Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rock Chalk Lawrence

What a beautiful day to be in Lawrence.  Went to go see our good friends, Danny, Melissa, and Titan Phillips.  We also enjoyed seeing some other good friends and visiting Rock Hill Church

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Battle of the Books champs!!

Congratulations to team Sam, or Seth, or Eli, or Zander on a job well done!  They took home the crown today at Battle of the Books.  Three rounds to get to the top at school.  Mom should get an award too for all the books read with Sam.  Battle of the Books is competition where students answer questions from books they have read.  There were 65 books on the list.  They have to say the name of the book and the author.  They are going to be on TV next week against some other schools.  We'll let you know more later on the day and time.